
It’s easiest to install Djrill from PyPI:

$ pip install djrill

If you decide to install Djrill some other way, you’ll also need to install its one dependency (other than Django, of course): the requests library from Kenneth Reitz.


In your project’s

  1. Add djrill to your INSTALLED_APPS:

  2. Add the following line, substituting your own MANDRILL_API_KEY:

    MANDRILL_API_KEY = "brack3t-is-awesome"
  3. Override your existing EMAIL_BACKEND with the following line:

    EMAIL_BACKEND = "djrill.mail.backends.djrill.DjrillBackend"

Also, if you don’t already have a DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL in settings, this is a good time to add one. (Django’s default is “webmaster@localhost”, which won’t work with Mandrill.)

Mandrill Webhooks (Optional)

Djrill includes optional support for Mandrill webhooks, including inbound email. See the Djrill webhooks section for configuration details.

Other Optional Settings

You can optionally add any of these Djrill settings to your


Set to True to disable djrill.MandrillRecipientsRefused exceptions on invalid or rejected recipients. (Default False.)

New in version 2.0.


You can supply global default options to apply to all messages sent through Djrill. Set MANDRILL_SETTINGS to a dict of these options. Example:

    'subaccount': 'client-347',
    'tracking_domain': '',
    'track_opens': True,

See Mandrill-Specific Options for a list of available options. (Everything except merge_vars, recipient_metadata, and send_at can be used with MANDRILL_SETTINGS.)

Attributes set on individual EmailMessage objects will override the global MANDRILL_SETTINGS for that message. global_merge_vars on an EmailMessage will be merged with any global_merge_vars in MANDRILL_SETTINGS (with the ones on the EmailMessage taking precedence if there are conflicting var names).

New in version 2.0.


The base url for calling the Mandrill API. The default is MANDRILL_API_URL = "", which is the secure, production version of Mandrill’s 1.0 API.

(It’s unlikely you would need to change this.)


Prior to Djrill 2.0, the MANDRILL_SUBACCOUNT setting could be used to globally set the Mandrill subaccount. Although this is still supported for compatibility with existing code, new code should set a global subaccount in MANDRILL_SETTINGS as shown above.